About Us


“When you focus on people, money is the result.” 

When it comes to overdue receivables management, that’s our proven philosophy. Over the past 18+ years, we've eliminated stress, improved cash flow, and transformed hundreds of businesses with our distinctive people-centred approach. 

If you’re ready to get your overdue accounts paid without sacrificing your valuable customer relationships, we can help…

We’re CHANGING THE GAME when it Comes to Receivables Management (and Getting You Paid)

Overdue receivables can seriously derail your business growth… not to mention, keep you up at night with a whole lot of unnecessary stress! However up until now, your options have been limited to:  

  1. Waste your own valuable time and resources chasing them (and pull focus from more important things).

  2. Send your customer to a debt collector (and kiss that relationship goodbye).

  3. Or, give up on the payment all together and cut your losses (destroying cash flow and leaving you working for free). 

When we saw just how many business owners were being impacted by late paying customers, we decided to ask the question they’d been begging for: What if there was a better way?


Through Connection, Communication and Collaboration, We Create the FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGHS Your Business Needs

Our unique approach has positioned us as industry leaders (with an impressive 98% collection rate). We shift the focus away from the business-of-money, and onto the business-of-people. That way, you’re not forced to choose between profits and customer relationships - you can always have both.  

By stepping into your business as a part of your team, we reach out to your trade debtors as individuals. As a result, we not only make unpaid accounts a thing of the past, but also help to optimise cash flow, improve relationships, and increase repeat sales.  

As experts in human connection, our effective approach puts people first and lets your profit flow.


Receive a Custom Plan Tailored to Your BUSINESS, PEOPLE & PRIORITIES

By dedicating time to understand your business and its specific needs, we can create a customised plan tailored to your industry. Instead of a one-size-fits-all solution, we design and implement an affordable and sustainable receivables management plan that ensures your future success.

Our 3-Step Approach to Unlocking Your Cash Flow



Instead of sending them to a debt collection agency, we’ll step in as a part of your team to connect with your customers. Using synergistic communication, we make them feel valued and understood and reduce any chance of offence or upset. We're always protecting your reputation.



We take time to get to know the person, business, and situation behind the debt. Our open and respectful line of communication shows that we want to work together for a solution. This develops trust, shows we care, and protects the relationship you’ve worked so hard to build.



With a healthy foundation of connection and respect, your customers are far more open to collaboration! We not only work out a solution to get their current accounts paid, but transform their payment behaviours to ensure ‘on time, every time’ payments moving forward.

Hi, I'm Amanda

I Want to Help You Rewrite Your Business’ Story When It Comes to Overdue Accounts…

But first, let me share some of my story with you!

In 1977, at just 8 and 4 years old, my younger sister and I started our life's journey in a small New Zealand town. We were part of a family of six siblings, led by our resilient mother. She had left behind our abusive, alcoholic father two years earlier, and life was challenging from the outset. However, we had each other, a roof over our heads, and food in our bellies. These humble beginnings taught us the value of gratitude at an early age.

Humble Beginnings

Feeling a deep sense of potential within me, I decided to leave my small hometown and explore the world by moving to Auckland City. I started working at AGC Finance, and this adventure was a leap into the unknown. Despite the uncertainty, I was always a big dreamer and had reasonable self-belief. I loved seeing new places and meeting new people, and I was always willing to make decisions and see where opportunities would take me. This adventurous spirit and fearlessness became some of my greatest strengths.

Moving to Auckland City

In 1989, when the Mayor asked me to represent the Council in the District Pageant, I accepted without hesitation. This experience expanded my understanding of human behaviour and provided valuable insights into people and their actions—two aspects of life that have always fascinated me.

Miss Tauranga District Council

Life's Greatest Gift

1995 brought a life-altering moment—my son, Corban, was born. Until then, life had lacked a clear purpose. However, Corban's arrival seemed to unlock every potential within me, magnifying my gifts and filling life with purpose and intention. I felt an internal, emotional, and spiritual connection that seemed limitless. Corban became the catalyst that made me brave, courageous, and daring. Everything in the world began to matter, and for the first time, I truly understood the concept of "impact."

Big Life Change - Moved to Australia

In 1999, faced with the dilemma of where to raise my son as he approached preschool age, I made a life-altering decision. New Zealand felt too small for our future, and I longed for the Gold Coast of Australia. Despite having no family or support network in Australia and facing scepticism from friends and family, I took the leap. This decision turned out to be one of the best I've ever made, and we eventually became proud citizens of Australia.

Tragedy Strikes - Mum Passes

In 2001, tragedy struck as my healthy, fit mother was diagnosed with cancer and rapidly declined, passing away within just three months of her diagnosis at the age of 66. The loss was a profound shock. My strong, resilient, and courageous mother was suddenly gone, leaving me struggling to process her loss. Losing her changed my life forever and had a significant impact on me. It took two years to find some semblance of normality, but during this time, I felt a newfound peace about life, and I gained a clear sense of purpose. However, it would take a bit longer before I had the courage to take the necessary steps to fulfil that purpose.

The Business Beginnings

In 2005, I mustered the courage to take a leap of faith into the world of business. My unique gift for connecting with people and building trust allowed me to excel in a challenging niche - collecting overdue trade accounts. I aimed not only to recover debts but also to create a positive experience for customers, ensuring they would return for future business. This approach proved successful, and my boss recognized my talent by describing it as a "gift." This compliment stayed with me, giving me the confidence to offer my unique services to businesses, despite the unconventional nature of the service.

My goal was to provide an alternative to debt collectors, as their involvement often led to the loss of customer relationships and cash flow issues for businesses. I understood the importance of managing the emotional aspects of debt collection, making it my mission to handle these interactions with empathy and connection.

Thailand - the Gift to My Son

As a child, I often looked at books depicting foreign lands and dreamed of being in those pictures. At the age of 12, I could only dream of travelling to another country, as our family's circumstances made it seem impossible. However, I was determined to provide my son with more opportunities than I had as a child. Thus, in 2007, I decided to give him the gift of travel, taking him to Thailand. This experience enabled us to explore remote regions, observe extreme poverty, and immerse ourselves in a markedly different culture. It was a life-changing journey for both of us, and it signified generational change, breaking cycles, evolving, and moving forward.

By 2015, life and business had been going well. Yet, I felt a sense of complacency and realised that I wasn't making the difference in the world that I was meant to make. I felt small, incomplete, and a deep desire to do more for others. My driving force was never money; it was about contributing to others' lives and making a positive impact. Although I wasn't sure how this evolution would unfold or what it should look like, I knew I had to dig deeper to find my truth. This process took time, and other events occurred before everything would become clear.

Time for Change - Digging Deeper, Finding the Truth

In 2017, tragedy struck when my son's best friend, Klaas, was involved in a serious accident at the age of 21. Klaas did not survive, and witnessing my son's grief and spending days in intensive care with Klaas's mother, Nina, was incredibly difficult. This loss prompted me to question life's unpredictability and drove me closer to my purpose of making an impact through communication and connection.

Another Tragedy - Why?

In 2019, I embarked on a transformational trip to Bali. Little did I know that it would alter my life in unexpected ways. On the second day of the trip, I met the love of my life at the age of 49, setting in motion a new chapter.

Bali - Travel for the Soul

On December 18th, 2022, my beautiful grandson was born. His arrival filled my heart with an overwhelming love, expanding my capacity for affection beyond imagination. This experience prompted me to understand the real impact I was meant to make, the gift I had to offer, and the difference I was responsible for making. I didn't need to know someone personally to care about them. I realised that I am connected to everyone, and everyone is connected to me. We all impact each other in ways we might not fully grasp.

Life’s Miracle - A Grandson

Today Here I Am!

As I reflected on my life, the choices I'd made, the failures, the losses, the successes, the betrayals, and the heartaches, as well as the gift of life I'd been given, a profound realisation washed over me.

I understood the real impact I was meant to make, the gift I had to offer, and the difference I was responsible for making. I didn't need to know someone personally to care about them. I realised that I am connected to everyone, and everyone is connected to me. We all impact each other in ways we might not fully grasp.  

Today, I stand here with the knowledge that I've been making an impact all my life, often without consciously realising it. I've always been the person others rely on, the one who gets things done, the leader who values relationships and connection above all else. This has been my journey from a young woman willing to carve her own path, to a fearless individual unafraid of failure and embracing every experience as a sum of life's moments.

My purpose is powerful and simple – to assist businesses and teams in understanding the power of human connection, and the difference it makes to profit and to the world. This is my legacy!

And now, I want to be a part of helping you achieve yours too. By helping you break free from the shackles of overdue accounts, I can help you unlock your potential, and build a stronger, more sustainable business.

WE’RE DRIVEN BY OUR IMPACT ON YOU, Your Business, and Your Customers

Nothing makes us happier than seeing our clients transform in front of our eyes. As their overdues get paid and their cash flow improves, they become happier, less stressed and, we swear, they start to look younger! 

Hear from some of these incredible businesses for yourself:



If you’re ready to make bad debt a thing of the past and take control of your overdue receivables, book a free Consultation with our team today.